National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Position Statement:
Fluid Replacement for Athletes
Douglas J. Casa, PhD, ATC, CSCS (Chair)*;
Lawrence E. Armstrong, PhD, FACSM*; Susan K. Hillman, MS, MA, ATC, PT†;
Scott J. Montain, PhD, FACSM‡; Ralph V. Reiff, MEd, ATC§;
Brent S.E. Rich, MD, ATC; William O. Roberts, MD, MS, FACSM¶;
Jennifer A. Stone, MS, ATC#
*University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; †Arizona School of Health Sciences, Phoenix, AZ; ‡US Army Research
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA; §St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN; Arizona State University,
Phoenix, AZ; ¶MinnHealth Family Physicians, White Bear Lake, MN; #US Olympic Training Center, Colorado
Springs, CO
Objective: To present recommendations to optimize the
fluid-replacement practices of athletes.
Background: Dehydration can compromise athletic perfor-
mance and increase the risk of exertional heat injury. Athletes
do not voluntarily drink sufficient water to prevent dehydration
during physical activity. Drinking behavior can be modified by
education, increasing accessibility, and optimizing palatability.
However, excessive overdrinking should be avoided because it
can also compromise physical performance and health. We
provide practical recommendations regarding fluid replace-
ment for athletes.
Recommendations: Educate athletes regarding the risks of
dehydration and overhydration on health and physical perfor-
mance. Work with individual athletes to develop fluid-
replacement practices that optimize hydration status before,
during, and after competition.
Key Words: athletic performance, dehydration, heat illness,
hydration protocol, hydration status, oral rehydration solution,
uring exercise, evaporation is usually the primary
mechanism of heat dissipation. The evaporation of
sweat from the skin’s surface assists the body in
regulating core temperature. If the body cannot adequately
evaporate sweat from the skin’s surface, core temperature rises
rapidly. A side effect of sweating is the loss of valuable fluids
from the finite reservoir within the body, the rate being related
to exercise intensity, individual differences, environmental
conditions, acclimatization state, clothing, and baseline hydra-
tion status. Athletes whose sweat loss exceeds fluid intake
become dehydrated during activity. Therefore, a person with a
high sweat rate who undertakes intense exercise in a hot,
humid environment can rapidly become dehydrated. Dehydra-
tion of 1% to 2% of body weight begins to compromise
physiologic function and negatively influence performance.
Dehydration of greater than 3% of body weight further disturbs
physiologic function and increases an athlete’s risk of devel-
oping an exertional heat illness (ie, heat cramps, heat exhaus-
tion, or heat stroke). This level of dehydration is common in
sports; it can be elicited in just an hour of exercise or even
more rapidly if the athlete enters the exercise session dehy-
drated. The onset of significant dehydration is preventable, or
at least modifiable, when hydration protocols are followed to
assure all athletes the most productive and the safest athletic
The purpose of this position stand is to 1) provide useful
recommendations to optimize fluid replacement for athletes, 2)
emphasize the physiologic, medical, and performance consid-
erations associated with dehydration, and 3) identify factors
that influence optimal rehydration during and after athletic
The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) rec-
ommends the following practices regarding fluid replacement
for athletic participation:
1. Establish a hydration protocol for athletes, including a
rehydration strategy that considers the athlete’s sweat rate,
sport dynamics (eg, rest breaks, fluid access), environmen-
tal factors, acclimatization state, exercise duration, exer-
cise intensity, and individual preferences (see Table 1 for
examples of potential outcomes).
Address correspondence to National Athletic Trainers’ Association,
Communications Department, 2952 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX
212 Volume 35 Number 2 June 2000
Journal of Athletic Training 2000;35(2):212–224
© by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Inc
2. A proper hydration protocol considers each sport’s unique
features. If rehydration opportunities are frequent (eg,
baseball, football, track and field), the athlete can consume
smaller volumes at a convenient pace based on sweat rate
and environmental conditions. If rehydration must occur at
specific times (eg, soccer, lacrosse, distance running), the
athlete must consume fluids to maximize hydration within
the sport’s confines and rules.
3. Fluid-replacement beverages should be easily accessible in
individual fluid containers and flavored to the athlete’s
preference. Individual containers permit easier monitoring
of fluid intake. Clear water bottles marked in 100-mL
(3.4-fl oz) increments provide visual reminders to athletes
to drink beyond thirst satiation or the typical few gulps.
Carrying water bottles or other hydration systems, when
practical, during exercise encourages greater fluid volume
4. Athletes should begin all exercise sessions well hydrated.
Hydration status can be approximated by athletes and
athletic trainers in several ways (Table 2). Assuming
proper hydration, pre-exercise body weight should be
relatively consistent across exercise sessions. Determine
the percentage difference between the current body weight
and the hydrated baseline body weight. Remember that
body weight is dynamic. Frequent exercise sessions can
induce nonfluid-related weight loss influenced by timing
of meals and defecation, time of day, and calories ex-
pended in exercise. The simplest method is comparison of
urine color (from a sample in a container) with a urine
color chart (Figure). Measuring urine specific gravity
(USG) with a refractometer (available for less than $150)
is less subjective than comparing urine color and also
simple to use. Urine volume is another indicator of
hydration status but inconvenient to collect and measure.
For color analysis or specific gravity, use midstream urine
collection for consistency and accuracy. Remember that
body weight changes during exercise give the best indica-
tion of hydration status. Because of urine and body weight
dynamics, measure urine before exercise and check body
weight (percentage of body weight change) before, during,
and after exercise sessions to estimate fluid balance.
5. To ensure proper pre-exercise hydration, the athlete should
consume approximately 500 to 600 mL (17 to 20 fl oz) of
water or a sports drink 2 to 3 hours before exercise and 200
to 300 mL (7 to 10 fl oz) of water or a sports drink 10 to
20 minutes before exercise.
6. Fluid replacement should approximate sweat and urine
losses and at least maintain hydration at less than 2% body
weight reduction. This generally requires 200 to 300 mL (7
to 10 fl oz) every 10 to 20 minutes. Specific individual
recommendations are calculated based on sweat rates,
sport dynamics, and individual tolerance. Maintaining
hydration status in athletes with high sweat rates, in sports
with limited fluid access, and during high-intensity exer-
cise can be difficult, and special efforts should be made to
minimize dehydration. Dangerous hyperhydration is also a
risk if athletes drink based on published recommendations
and not according to individual needs.
7. Postexercise hydration should aim to correct any fluid loss
accumulated during the practice or event. Ideally com-
pleted within 2 hours, rehydration should contain water to
restore hydration status, carbohydrates to replenish glyco-
gen stores, and electrolytes to speed rehydration. The
primary goal is the immediate return of physiologic
function (especially if an exercise bout will follow). When
rehydration must be rapid, the athlete should compensate
for obligatory urine losses incurred during the rehydration
process and drink about 25% to 50% more than sweat
losses to assure optimal hydration 4 to 6 hours after the
8. Fluid temperature influences the amount consumed. While
individual differences exist, a cool beverage of 10° to
15°C (50° to 59°F) is recommended.
9. The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) should be
ascertained in hot environments. Very high relative hu-
midity limits evaporative cooling; the air is nearly satu-
rated with water vapor, and evaporation is minimized.
Thus, dehydration associated with high sweat losses can
induce a rapid core temperature increase due to the
inability to dissipate heat. Measuring core temperature
rectally allows the athlete’s thermal status to be accurately
determined. See the NATA position statement on heat
illnesses for expanded information on this topic.
10. In many situations, athletes benefit from including carbo-
hydrates (CHOs) in their rehydration protocols. Consum-
ing CHOs during the pre-exercise hydration session (2 to
3 hours pre-exercise), as in item 5, along with a normal
daily diet increases glycogen stores. If exercise is intense,
then consuming CHOs about 30 minutes pre-exercise may
also be beneficial. Include CHOs in the rehydration
beverage during exercise if the session lasts longer than 45
to 50 minutes or is intense. An ingestion rate of about 1
g/min (0.04 oz/min) maintains optimal carbohydrate me-
tabolism: for example,1Lofa6%CHOdrink per hour of
exercise. CHO concentrations greater than 8% increase the
rate of CHO delivery to the body but compromise the rate
of fluid emptying from the stomach and absorbed from the
intestine. Fruit juices, CHO gels, sodas, and some sports
drinks have CHO concentrations greater than 8% and are
not recommended during an exercise session as the sole
beverage. Athletes should consume CHOs at least 30
minutes before the normal onset of fatigue and earlier if
the environmental conditions are unusually extreme, al-
though this may not apply for very intense short-term
exercise, which may require earlier intake of CHOs. Most
CHO forms (ie, glucose, sucrose, glucose polymers) are
suitable, and the absorption rate is maximized when
multiple forms are consumed simultaneously. Substances
to be limited include fructose (which may cause gastroin-
testinal distress); those to be avoided include caffeine,
alcohol (which may increase urine output and reduce fluid
retention), and carbonated beverages (which may reduce
voluntary fluid intake due to stomach fullness).
11. Those supervising athletes should be able to recognize the
basic signs and symptoms of dehydration: thirst, irritabil-
ity, and general discomfort, followed by headache, weak-
ness, dizziness, cramps, chills, vomiting, nausea, head or
neck heat sensations, and decreased performance. Early
diagnosis of dehydration decreases the occurrence and
severity of heat illness. A conscious, cognizant, dehy-
drated athlete without gastrointestinal distress can aggres-
sively rehydrate orally, while one with mental compromise
from dehydration or gastrointestinal distress should be
transported to a medical facility for intravenous rehydra-
tion. For a complete description of heat illnesses and issues
Journal of Athletic Training 213
related to hyperthermia, see the NATA position statement
on heat illnesses.
12. Inclusion of sodium chloride in fluid-replacement bever-
ages should be considered under the following conditions:
inadequate access to meals or meals not eaten; physical
activity exceeding 4 hours in duration; or during the initial
days of hot weather. Under these conditions, adding
modest amounts of salt (0.3 to 0.7 g/L) can offset salt loss
in sweat and minimize medical events associated with
electrolyte imbalances (eg, muscle cramps, hyponatremia).
Adding a modest amount of salt (0.3 to 0.7 g/L) to all
hydration beverages would be acceptable to stimulate
thirst, increase voluntary fluid intake, and decrease the risk
of hyponatremia and should cause no harm.
13. Calculate each athlete’s sweat rate (sweating rate
pre-exercise body weight postexercise body weight
fluid intake urine volume/exercise time in hours) for a
representative range of environmental conditions, prac-
tices, and competitions (Table 3). This time-consuming
task can be made easier by weighing a large number of
athletes before an intense 1-hour practice session and then
reweighing them at the end of the 1-hour practice. Sweat
rate can now be easily calculated (do not allow rehydration
or urination during this 1 hour when sweat rate is being
determined to make the task even easier). This calculation
is the most fundamental consideration when establishing a
rehydration protocol. Average sweat rates from the scien-
tific literature or other athletes can vary from 0.5 L/h to
more than 2.5 L/h (0.50 to 2.50 kg/h) and are not ideal to
14. Heat acclimatization induces physiologic changes that
may alter individual fluid-replacement considerations.
First, sweat rate generally increases after 10 to 14 days of
heat exposure, requiring a greater fluid intake for a similar
bout of exercise. An athlete’s sweat rate should be reas-
sessed after acclimatization. Second, moving from a cool
environment to a warm environment increases the overall
sweat rate for a bout of exercise. The athlete’s hydration
status must be closely monitored for the first week of
exercise in a warm environment. Third, increased sodium
intake may be warranted during the first 3 to 5 days of heat
exposure, since the increased thermal strain and associated
increased sweat rate increase the sodium lost in sweat.
Adequate sodium intake optimizes fluid palatability and
absorption during the first few days and may decrease
exercise-associated muscle cramping. After 5 to 10 days,
the sodium concentration of sweat decreases, and normal
sodium intake suffices.
15. All sports requiring weight classes (ie, wrestling, judo,
rowing) should mandate a check of hydration status at
weigh-in to ensure that the athlete is not dehydrated. A
USG less than or equal to 1.020 or urine color less than or
equal to 4 should be the upper range of acceptable on
weigh-in. Any procedures used to induce dramatic dehy-
dration (eg, diuretics, rubber suits, exercising in a sauna)
are strictly prohibited.
16. Hyperhydration by ingesting a pre-exercise glycerol and
water beverage has equivocal support from well-controlled
studies. At this time, evidence is insufficient to endorse the
practice of hyperhydration via glycerol. Also, a risk of side
effects such as headaches and gastrointestinal distress
exists when glycerol is consumed.
17. Consider modifications when working with prepubescent
and adolescent athletes who exercise intensely in the heat
and may not fully comprehend the medical and perfor-
mance consequences of dehydration. Focus special atten-
tion on schedules and event modification to minimize
environmental stress and maximize time for fluid replace-
ment. Make available the most palatable beverage possi-
ble. Educate parents and coaches about rehydration and the
signs of dehydration. Monitor and remove a child from
activity promptly if signs or symptoms of dehydration
18. Large-scale event management (eg, tournaments, camps)
requires advance planning. Ample fluid and cups should
be conveniently available. With successive practice ses-
sions during a day or over multiple days (as in most
summer sport camps), check hydration status daily before
allowing continued participation. Be aware of unhealthy
behaviors, such as eating disorders and dehydration in
weight-class sports. Use extra caution with novice and
unconditioned athletes, and remember, many athletes are
not supervised on a daily basis. If the WBGT dictates,
modify events (change game times or cancel) or change
game dynamics (insert nonroutine water breaks, shorten
game times). Recruit help from fellow athletic trainers in
local schools, student athletic trainers, and athletes from
other sports to ensure that hydration is maintained at all
venues (ie, along a road race course, on different fields
during a tournament). Be sure all assistants can commu-
nicate with the supervising athletic trainer at a central
location. For successive-day events, provide educational
materials on rehydration principles to inform athletes and
parents of this critical component of athletic performance.
19. Implementing a hydration protocol for athletes will only
succeed if athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and team
physicians realize the importance of maintaining proper
hydration status and the steps required to accomplish this
goal. Here are the most critical components of hydration
Educate athletes on the effects of dehydration on physical
Inform athletes on how to monitor hydration status.
Convince athletes to participate in their own hydration
protocols based on sweat rate, drinking preferences, and
personal responses to different fluid quantities.
Encourage coaches to mandate rehydration during practices
and competitions, just as they require other drills and
conditioning activities.
Have a scale accessible to assist athletes in monitoring
weight before, during, and after activity.
Provide the optimal oral rehydration solution (water, CHOs,
electrolytes) before, during, and after exercise.
Implement the hydration protocol during all practices and
games, and adapt it as needed.
Finally, encourage event scheduling and rule modifications
to minimize the risks associated with exercise in the heat.
Dehydration and Exercise
Physiologic Implications. All physiologic systems in the
human body are influenced by dehydration.
The degree of
214 Volume 35 Number 2 June 2000
dehydration dictates the extent of systemic compromise. Iso-
lating the physiologic changes that contribute to decrements in
performance is difficult, as any change in 1 system (ie,
cardiovascular) influences the performance of other systems
(ie, thermoregulatory, muscular).
The body attempts to balance endogenous heat production
and exogenous heat accumulation by heat dissipation via con-
duction, convection, evaporation, and radiation.
The relative
contribution of each method depends on the ambient temper-
ature, relative humidity, and exercise intensity. As ambient
temperature rises, conduction and convection decrease mark-
edly, and radiation becomes nearly insignificant.
Heat loss
from evaporation is the predominant heat-dissipating mecha-
nism for the exercising athlete. In warm, humid conditions,
evaporation may account for more than 80% of heat loss. In
hot, dry conditions, evaporation may account for as much as
98% of cooling.
If sufficient fluids are not consumed to offset
the rate of water loss via sweating, progressive dehydration
will occur. The sweating response is critical to body cooling
during exercise in the heat. Therefore, any factor that limits
evaporation (ie, high humidity, dehydration) will have pro-
found effects on physiologic function and athletic perfor-
Water is the major component of the human body, account-
ing for approximately 73% of lean body mass.
Body water is
distributed within and between cells and in the plasma. At rest,
approximately 30% to 35% of total body mass is intracellular
fluid, 20% to 25% is interstitial fluid, and 5% is plasma.
Water movement between compartments occurs due to hydro-
static pressure and osmotic-oncotic gradients.
Because sweat
is hypotonic relative to body water, the elevation of extracel-
lular tonicity results in water movement from intracellular to
extracellular spaces.
As a consequence, all water compart-
ments contribute to water deficit with dehydration.
Most of
the resultant water deficits associated with dehydration, how-
ever, come from muscle and skin.
The resulting hypovole-
mic-hyperosmolality condition is thought to precipitate many
of the physiologic consequences associated with dehydration.
A major consequence of dehydration is an increase in core
temperature during physical activity, with core temperature
rising an additional 0.15 to 0.20°C for every 1% of body
weight lost (due to sweating) during the activity.
added thermal strain occurs due to both impaired skin blood
flow and altered sweating responses,
which is best illus-
trated by the delayed onset of skin vasodilation and sweating
when a dehydrated person begins to exercise.
These thermo-
regulatory changes may negate the physiologic advantages
resulting from increased fitness
and heat acclimatiza-
Additionally, heat tolerance is reduced and exercise
time to exhaustion occurs at lower core temperatures with
Accompanying the increase in thermal strain is greater
cardiovascular strain, as characterized by decreased stroke
volume, increased heart rate, increased systemic vascular
resistance, and possibly lower cardiac output and mean arterial
Similar to body temperature changes, the mag-
nitude of cardiovascular changes is proportional to the water
Table 1. Sample Hydration Protocol Worksheet
Parameter to Consider
Example A: College
Soccer, Katie (60 kg)*
Example B: High School
Basketball, Mike (80 kg)*
1) WBGT 28.3°C (83°F) 21.1°C (70°F)
2) Sweat rate† 1.7 L/h 1.2 L/h
3) Acclimatized Yes No
4) Length of activity 2 45-minute halves 4 10-minute quarters
5) Intensity Game situation (maximal) Game situation (maximal)
6) Properly prehydrated No (began 2% body weight) Yes
7) Individual container Yes No (just cups)
8) Type of beverage 5% to 7% CHO‡ solution 5% to 7% CHO solution
9) Assess hydration status At halftime (with scale) No
10) Available breaks Halftime Quarters, half, timeouts
11) Amount given Maximal comfortable predetermined amount
given at half time (about 700 to 1000 L)
200 mL at quarter breaks
400 mL at half time
100 mL at 1 timeout/half
12) End hydration status 4.8% body weight Normal hydration
13) Hydrated body weight 60 kg 80 kg
Pre-exercise body weight 58.8 kg 80 kg
Halftime body weight 57.5 No measure
Postexercise body weight 57.1 80.1 kg
*Assumptions: Both are starters and play a full game.
†Sweat rate determined under similar parameters described in example (ie, acclimatization state, WBGT, intensity, etc) under normal game
conditions (ie, no injury timeouts, overtime, etc).
Note: Keep results on record for future reference.
‡CHO, carbohydrate.
Table 2. Indexes of Hydration Status
% Body Weight
Change* Urine Color USG†
Well hydrated 1to1 1 or 2 1.010
Minimal dehydration 1to3 3 or 4 1.010–1.020
3to5 5 or 6 1.021–1.030
Serious dehydration 5 6 1.030
*% Body weight change [(pre-exercise body weight postexercise
body weight)/pre-exercise body weight] 100.
†USG, urine specific gravity.
See Figure for urine color chart and references. Please note that
obtaining a urine sample may not be possible if the athlete is seriously
dehydrated. These are physiologically independent entities, and the
numbers provided are only general guidelines.
Journal of Athletic Training 215
deficit. For example, heart rate rises an additional 3 to 5 beats
per minute for every 1% of body weight loss.
The stroke-
volume reduction seen with dehydration appears to be due to
reduced central venous pressure, resulting from reduced blood
volume and the additional hyperthermia imposed by dehydra-
Both hypovolemia
and hypertonicity
been suggested as mechanisms for the altered thermoregulatory
and cardiovascular responses during dehydration. Manipula-
tion of each factor independently has resulted in decreased
blood flow to the skin and sweating responses.
have argued that hypovolemia is primarily respon-
sible for the thermoregulatory changes by reducing cardiac
preload and may alter the feedback to the hypothalamus via the
atrial pressure receptors (baroreceptors). The hypothalamic
thermoregulatory centers may induce a decrease in the blood
volume perfusing the skin in order to reestablish a normal
cardiac preload. Some studies
have provided support for
this hypothesis, but it is clearly not the only variable influenc-
ing thermoregulation during hypohydration. Two hypotheses
explain the role of hyperosmolality on the thermoregulatory
system. Peripheral regulation may occur via the strong osmotic
pressure influence of the interstitium, limiting the available
fluid sources for the eccrine sweat glands.
However, while
this peripheral influence is likely, it seems more feasible that
central brain regulation plays the largest role.
The neurons
surrounding the thermoregulatory control centers in the hypo-
thalamus are sensitive to osmolality.
Changes in the
plasma osmolality of the blood perfusing the hypothalamus
affect body water regulation and the desire for fluid consump-
It is likely that both hypovolemia and hypertonicity
contribute to body fluid regulation.
Potential changes at the level of the muscle tissue include a
possible increased rate of glycogen degradation,
muscle temperature,
and increased lactate levels.
changes may be caused by a decrease in blood perfusion of the
muscle tissue during the recovery between contractions.
The psychological changes associated with exercise in a
dehydrated state should not be overlooked. Dehydration in-
creases the rating of perceived exertion and impairs mental
Dehydration also decreases the motivation to
exercise and decreases the time to exhaustion, even in in-
stances when strength is not compromised.
These are
important factors when considering the motivation required by
high-level athletes to maintain maximal performance.
Performance Implications. Studies investigating the role of
dehydration on muscle strength have generally shown decre-
ments in performance at 5% or more dehydration.
The greater the degree of dehydration, the more negative the
impact on physiologic systems and overall athletic perfor-
Most studies
that address the influence of dehy-
dration on muscle endurance show that dehydration of 3% to
4% elicits a performance decrement, but in 1 study,
finding was not supported. Interestingly, hypohydrated wrest-
lers who were working at maximal or near-maximal muscle
activity for more than 30 seconds had a decrease in perfor-
The environmental conditions may also play an
important role in muscle endurance.
The research concerning maximal aerobic power and the
physical work capacity for extended exercise is relatively consis-
tent. Maximal aerobic power usually decreases with more than
3% hypohydration.
In the heat, aerobic power decrements are
Even at 1% to 2% hypohydration in a cool
loss of aerobic power is demonstrated. Two
important studies have noted a decrease in physical work capacity
with less than 2% dehydration during intense exercise in the
When the percentage of dehydration increased, physical
work capacity decreased by as much as 35% to 48%,
physical work capacity often decreased even when maximal
aerobic power did not change.
Hypohydration of 2.5% of
body weight results in significant performance decrements while
exercising in the heat, regardless of fitness or heat acclimation
status, although enhanced fitness and acclimation can lessen the
effects of dehydration.
Partial rehydration will enhance perfor-
mance during an ensuing exercise session in the heat, which is
important when faced with the reality of sports situations.
performance decrements noted with low to moderate levels of
hypohydration may be due to an increased perception of fatigue.
Rehydration and Exercise
Factors Influencing Rehydration. The degree of environ-
mental stress is determined by temperature, humidity, wind
speed, and radiant energy load, which induce physiologic
changes that affect the rehydration process.
Fluid intake
Table 3. Sample Sweat Rate Calculation*
Name Date
Body Weight
BW (C-D) Drink Volume Urine Volume†
Sweat Loss
Sweat Rate
kg kg g mL mL mL min mL/min
(lb/2.2) (lb/2.2) (kg 1000) (oz 30) (oz 30) (oz 30) h mL/h
kg kg g mL mL mL min mL/min
(lb/2.2) (lb/2.2) (kg 1000) (oz 30) (oz 30) (oz 30) h mL/h
kg kg g mL mL mL min mL/min
(lb/2.2) (lb/2.2) (kg 1000) (oz 30) (oz 30) (oz 30) h mL/h
kg kg g mL mL mL min mL/min
(lb/2.2) (lb/2.2) (kg 1000) (oz 30) (oz 30) (oz 30) h mL/h
Kelly K.‡ 9/15 61.7 kg 60.3 kg 1400 g 420 mL 90 mL 1730 mL 90 min 19 mL/min
(lb/2.2) (lb/2.2) (kg 1000) (oz 30) (oz 30) (oz 30) 1.5 h 1153 mL/h
*Reprinted with permission from Murray R. Determining sweat rate. Sports Sci Exch. 1996;9(Suppl 63).
†Weight of urine should be subtracted if urine was excreted prior to postexercise body weight.
‡In the example, Kelly K. should drink about 1 L (32 oz) of fluid during each hour of activity to remain well hydrated.
216 Volume 35 Number 2 June 2000
increases substantially when ambient temperature rises above
25°C; the rehydration stimulus can also be psychological.
An athlete exercising in the heat will voluntarily ingest more
fluid if it is chilled.
Individual differences in learned
behavior also play a role in the rehydration process.
athlete who knows that rehydrating enhances subsequent per-
formance is more apt to consume fluid before significant
dehydration occurs, so appropriate education of athletes is
The physical characteristics of the rehydration beverage can
dramatically influence fluid replacement.
Salinity, color,
sweetness, temperature, flavor, carbonation, and viscosity all
affect how much an athlete drinks.
Since most fluid
consumed by athletes is with meals, the presence of ample
fluid during meals and adequate amount of time to eat are
critical to rehydration.
When access to meals is limited, a
CHO-electrolyte beverage will help maintain CHO and elec-
trolyte intake along with hydration status.
Other factors that contribute to fluid replacement include the
individual’s mood (calmness is associated with enhanced
rehydration) and the degree of concentration required by the
For example, industrial laborers need frequent breaks to
rehydrate because they must remain focused on a specific task.
This need for concentration may explain why many elite
mountain bikers use a convenient back-mounted hydration
system instead of the typical rack-mounted water bottle. The
back-mounted water reservoir may allow the cyclist to enhance
rehydration while remaining focused on terrain, speed, gears,
braking, and exertion.
Accessibility to a fluid and ease of
drinking may explain why athletes consume more fluid while
cycling compared with running in a simulated duathlon.
Hydration before Exercise. An athlete should begin exer-
cising well hydrated. Many athletes who perform repeated
bouts of exercise on the same day or on consecutive days can
become chronically dehydrated. When a hypohydrated athlete
begins to exercise, physiologic mechanisms are compro-
and the extent of the dysfunction is related to the
degree of thermal stress experienced by the athlete.
may require substantial assistance in obtaining fluids as evi-
denced by the phenomena of voluntary (when individuals drink
insufficient quantities to replace fluid losses) and involuntary
Athletes should ingest 500 mL of fluid 2 hours before the
event (which allows ample time to urinate excess fluid) to
ensure proper hydration and physiologic function at the onset
of exercise.
Mandatory pre-exercise hydration is physi
ologically advantageous and more effective than hydration
dictated by often insufficient personal preference.
ing a nutritionally balanced diet and fluids during the 24 hours
before an exercise session is also crucial. Increasing CHO
intake before endurance activity may be beneficial for perfor-
and may even enhance performance for activities
as short as 10 minutes,
but it may have a limited effect on
resistance exercise.
There has been recent interest in potential benefits of
purposefully overhydrating before exercise to postpone the
onset of water deficit.
While an enhanced hydration
state is often reported with glycerol use, this does not always
translate into a performance improvement.
A recent study
found increased exercise time and plasma volume during
exercise to exhaustion in the heat when subjects were rehy-
drated with water and glycerol before exercise as compared
with rehydration using an equal volume of water without
glycerol. However, another study
found no benefits of
glycerol ingestion when the ensuing exercise took place in a
thermoneutral environment. Hyperhydrating before exercise,
even without glycerol, may enhance thermoregulatory func-
and limit the performance decrements normally noted
with dehydration
while exercising in the heat (WBGT
25°C). A key point is that the benefits associated with glycerol
use seem to be negated when proper hydration status is
maintained during exercise.
However, many athletes are
unable to maintain hydration, so hyperhydration may be
beneficial in extreme conditions when fluid intake cannot
match sweat loss.
Rehydration during Exercise. Proper hydration during
exercise will influence cardiovascular function, thermoregula-
tory function, muscle functioning, fluid volume status, and
exercise performance. This topic has been extensively re-
viewed through the years, but some recent compilations are
especially notable.* Proper hydration during exercise enhances
heat dissipation (increased skin blood flow and sweating rate),
limits plasma hypertonicity, and helps sustain cardiac out-
The enhanced evaporative cooling that can occur
(due to increased skin blood flow and maintained perfusion of
working muscles) is the result of sustained cardiac filling
Rehydration during exercise conserves the centrally
circulating fluid volume and allows maximal physiologic
responses to intense exercise in the heat.
Two important purposes of rehydration are to decrease the
rate of hyperthermia and to maintain athletic perfor-
A classic study
showed that changes in rectal
temperature during exercise depended on the degree of fluid
intake. When water intake equaled sweat loss, rise in core
temperature was slowest when compared with ad libidum
water and no-water groups. This benefit of rehydration on
thermoregulatory function is likely due to increased blood
reduced hyperosmolality,
reduced cellular dehy
and improved maintenance of extravascular fluid
Some studies
have not shown a physiologic
or performance benefit when rehydration occurred during a
1-hour intense exercise session in mild environmental condi-
tions. The likely reason for a lack of benefit in these studies
was the fact that the exercise session did not elicit enough
sweat loss to cross the physiologic threshold of percentage of
body weight loss (eg, 2%) that would negatively influence
performance and physiologic function. For example, in 1 of the
the subjects had only lost 1.5% of body weight at
the completion of the exercise session.
Athletes generally do not rehydrate to pre-exercise levels
during exercise due to personal choice,
fluid availability,
the circumstances of competition,
or a combination of these
factors. Athletes should aim to drink quantities equal to sweat and
urine losses, and while they rarely meet this goal, athletes can
readily handle these large volumes (1 L/h).
athletes may not need to exactly match fluid intake with sweat loss
to maintain water balance given the small contribution of water
from metabolic processes.
Appealing to individual taste preferences may encourage
athletes to drink more fluids. In addition, including CHOs
and electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) in the
rehydration drink can maintain blood glucose, CHO oxida-
tion, and electrolyte balance and can maintain performance
*References 6, 27, 71, 76, 79, 107, 108, 114–118.
Journal of Athletic Training 217
if the exercise session exceeds about 50 minutes in dura-
Also, recent evidence
that athletes performing extremely intense intermittent ac-
tivity with total exercise times of less than 50 minutes may
benefit from ingestion of CHOs in the rehydration beverage.
Rates of gastric emptying and intestinal absorption should
also be considered.
Fluid volume,
fluid calorie
content, fluid osmolality, exercise intensity,
and fluid temperature
are some of the most
important factors
in determining the rates of gastric emptying
and small intestine absorption (the small intestine is the
primary site of fluid absorption). The single most important
variable may be the volume of fluid in the stomach.
Maintaining 400 to 600 mL of fluid in the stomach (or the
maximum tolerated) will optimize gastric emptying.
are included in the fluid, the concentration should be 4% to 8%.
Concentrations higher than 8% slow the rate of fluid absorp-
Intense exercise (80% of VO
max) may also
decrease the rate of gastric emptying.
Frequent ingestion
(every 15 to 20 minutes) of a moderate fluid volume (200 mL)
may be ideal, but it is not feasible in sports with extended
periods between breaks. The rates of gastric emptying and
intestinal absorption likely influence the speed of movement of
the ingested fluids into the plasma volume.
Since the gastric
emptying and intestinal absorption rates are not compromised
with the addition of a 6% carbohydrate solution as compared
with water, fluid replacement and energy replenishment are
equally achievable.
The rate of gastric emptying is
by significant dehydration (4%), which com-
plicates rehydration and may increase gastrointestinal discom-
Regardless, rehydration will still benefit the ath-
lete’s hydration status.
Rehydration during exercise is also influenced by the state of
acclimatization of the athlete. Heat acclimatization is achieved
after 5 to 10 days of training in a hot environment and will
increase sweat rate, decrease electrolyte losses in the sweat,
and allow athletes to better tolerate exercise in the heat.
Heat acclimatization modestly increases rehydration needs due
to greater sweating. Fortunately, an athlete who is heat accli-
matized has fewer deficits associated with dehydration
tends to be a “better” voluntary drinker (ingests fluid earlier
and more often).
An athlete who exercises for more than 4 hours and hydrates
excessively (well beyond sweat loss) only with water or
low-solute beverages may be susceptible to a relatively rare
condition known as symptomatic hyponatremia (also known as
water intoxication).
Ultimately, the body cannot
excrete the consumed fluid rapidly enough to prevent intracel-
lular swelling, which is sufficient to produce neuropsycholog-
ical manifestations. Patients present with serum sodium levels
below 130 to 135 mmol/L, and the sequelae of hyponatremia
can result in death if not treated.
The condition can most
likely be avoided if sodium is consumed with the rehydration
beverage and if fluid intake does not exceed sweat
Every athlete will benefit from attempting to match intake
with sweating rate and urine losses. Individual differences exist
for gastric emptying and availability of fluids during particular
sports. Rehydration procedures should be tested in practice and
individually modified to maximize performance in competi-
Rehydration after Exercise. Replenishing fluid vol-
and glycogen stores is critical in the recovery of
many body processes, including the cardiovascular, thermo-
regulatory, and metabolic activities.
Based on volume and osmolality, the best fluid to drink after
exercise to replace the fluids that are lost via sweating may not
be water.
Consuming water alone decreases osmolal-
ity, which limits the drive to drink and slightly increases urine
output. Including sodium in the rehydration beverage (or diet)
allows fluid volume to be better conserved and increases the
drive to drink.
Including CHOs in the rehydra-
tion solution may improve the rate of intestinal absorption
of sodium and water
and replenishes glycogen
Replenishing glycogen stores can enhance
performance in subsequent exercise sessions
and may
enhance immune function.
While a normal diet commonly
restores proper electrolyte concentrations,
many athletes are
forced to rehydrate between exercise sessions in the absence of
In addition, some athletes’ meals are eaten as long as
6 hours after an exercise session, which may compromise
electrolyte availability during rehydration after intense exercise
in hot conditions.
While replenishing fluid to equal sweating losses is often
recommended, this formula does not replace urine losses.
Ingestion equal to 150% of weight loss resulted in optimal
rehydration 6 hours after exercise.
Assessment of Hydration Status. Body weight changes,
urine color, subjective feelings, and thirst, among other indi-
cators, offer cues to the need for rehydration.
When prepar-
ing for an event, an athlete should know the sweat rate, assess
current hydration status, and develop a rehydration plan.
Determinations of sweat rate can be made.
status can be assessed by measuring body weight before and
after exercise sessions; monitoring urine color, USG, or urine
volume; or using a combination of these factors.
A urine
color chart is included in this manuscript (Figure).
general indexes of hydration status are provided in Table 3. A
refractometer offers a precise reading of USG and can be used
as a general indicator of hydration state. A reading of less than
1.010 reflects a well-hydrated condition, while a reading of
more than 1.020 reflects dehydration.
Urine osmolality and
urine conductivity may also be useful tools in assessing
hydration status.
The hydration plan should take into account the length of the
event, the individual’s sweat rate, exercise intensity, the
temperature and humidity, and the availability of fluids (is
fluid constantly available, as in cycling, or is it consumed in a
large bolus during a break?). Habits of the coach or athlete, or
both, may need to be altered in order to maximize the hydration
process. Any plan for rehydrating during competition should
be instituted and perfected during practice sessions; it should
also be individually implemented, given the large variation
among people in what constitutes a “comfortable” amount of
A sample hydration protocol for preparing
an elite athlete for an event has been documented.
Composition of Rehydration Fluid. During exercise, the
body uses 30 to 60 g of CHOs per hour that need to be replaced
to maintain CHO oxidation and delay the onset of glycogen
depletion fatigue.
Thus, including 60 g of CHOs in 1 L
of fluid will not hinder fluid absorption and provides an
adequate supply of CHOs during or while recovering from an
exercise bout. The CHO concentration in the ideal fluid-
replacement solution should be in the range of to 6% to 8%
(g/100 mL).
The simple sugars, glucose or sucrose in simple
or polymer form, are the best additives to the replacement
218 Volume 35 Number 2 June 2000
fluid. Absorption is maximized if multiple forms of CHO are
ingested simultaneously (ie, fluid is absorbed more quickly
from the intestine if both glucose and fructose are present than
if only glucose is present).
The amount of fructose in
the beverage should be limited to about 2% to 3% (2 to 3 g/100
mL of the beverage), since larger quantities may play a role in
decreasing rates of absorption and oxidation and causing
gastrointestinal distress.
Ultimately, CHO composition
depends on the relative need to replace fluids or CHOs. During
events, when a high rate of fluid intake is necessary to sustain
hydration, the CHO composition should be kept low (eg, 7%)
to optimize gastric emptying and fluid absorption. During
conditions when high rates of fluid replacement are not as
necessary (ie, during recovery from an exercise session, mild
environmental conditions, etc), the carbohydrate concentration
can be increased to optimize CHO delivery with minimal risk
of jeopardizing the hydration status.
Small quantities of sodium may enhance palatability and
retention, stimulate thirst, and prevent hyponatremia in a
susceptible individual.* Sodium concentration should be
approximately 0.3 to 0.7 g/L.
Other valuable
sources of practical information concerning the composition
of rehydration beverages and rehydration in general are
Recognizing Dehydration in Athletes. The early signs and
symptoms of dehydration include thirst and general discomfort
and complaints. These are followed by flushed skin, weariness,
cramps, and apathy. At greater water deficits, dizziness,
headache, vomiting, nausea, heat sensations on the head or
neck, chills, decreased performance, and dyspnea may be
The degree of dehydration, the mental status,
and the general medical condition of the athlete will dictate the
mode, amount, type, and rate of rehydration. Identifying the
early signs of dehydration can limit the onset or degree of an
exertional heat illnesses.
A comprehensive review of
the prevention, identification, and treatment of the exertional
heat illness can be found in the position stands by the NATA
and the American College of Sports Medicine.
Event Management. Some events are conducted under
environmental conditions that are extreme and force the athlete
to reduce intensity or risk a heat illness. These hazardous heat
stresses can be avoided by scheduling athletic events during the
coolest part of the day or a cooler time of the year.
reality of sport administration is that many events take place
regardless of the environmental conditions. Individuals super-
vising an event in a hot humid environment must ensure that
athletes have ample access to fluids, are encouraged to match
fluid intakes with sweat losses, and are monitored for dehy-
dration and exertional heat illness. Whenever possible, mini-
mize the exercise intensity of athletes in the extreme heat, since
this is the largest contributor to dehydration and heat illness.
When successive exercise sessions occur on the same day or on
ensuing days, hydration status, sleep, meals, and other factors
that maximize performance and enhance safety should be
maintained. Given the variety of events an athletic trainer may
supervise, we cannot formulate an event management recom-
mendation for all sports. However, the general concepts are
interchangeable across sports and venues. For example, game
modifications such as decreasing the length of play or inserting
nontraditional water breaks (especially in youth sports and
practice situations) will reduce the rate of heat illness. Closely
monitoring environmental conditions via the WBGT or the
heat index will allow an informed approach to hydration and
sweat modification. Athletes who are educated on how to
prevent and recognize dehydration are empowered to partici-
pate actively in implementing their own hydration protocols,
thereby enhancing both performance and safety. The person
responsible for the medical supervision of an event should have
a detailed plan to address facilities, equipment, supplies,
staffing, communication systems, education, and implementa-
tion of event policy.
This position statement was reviewed for the NATA by the Pro-
nouncements Committee and reviewers Kristine L. Clark, PhD, RD,
David Lamb, PhD, and Jack Ransone, PhD, ATC.
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